Feature Spotlights

How to fill in your Client Import spreadsheet
Your business revolves around your clients. AM revolves around your clients’ information. Everything that happens across AccountancyManager relies on the data you enter into your Client Import spreadsheet – from your automatically generating Task List to your automated record requests. The more you fill in, the better AM will be It might not be fun, ...

Keep staff bang up to date with AM’s Notes
AM flips the idea of ‘sending a note’ on its head. Instead, add a note to the right place and it’ll be there for your colleagues to find, exactly when they need it. Ok, so Notes don’t lend themselves to attention-grabbing headlines, but they’re mighty useful and have a big impact on efficiency, visibility and ...

AM’s Client List and Reporting (more exciting than it sounds)
“Oi, marketing!” Said AM account manager Nevdish, much more politely than that. “Where’s the Spotlight article on the Client List and Reporting? We talk about it non-stop with users.” Here it is Nevdish, with our apologies. Last year, we wrote 11 articles highlighting the coolest features in AM. Being ‘in marketing’ we were attracted to ...

Automated client reminders – and new feature ‘VAT reminders’
The whole point of AccountancyManager is to take as much off your plate as possible, help you organise your practice and free up hours of time. “The time saved with automatic chasing means that we have more time available for our clients.” Sharon, review on Capterra One of the main ways our users save considerable ...

Client Timeline: A full history and audit trail for every client
Although it doesn’t seem like it at a glance (due to the uncluttered interface) there’s a lot going on in AccountancyManager. Automated emails and texts to your clients, tasks being completed by different people and information and documents flowing in and out of your practice daily. “The amount of client information that you can enter ...

AccountancyManager: Bend it, shape it, any way you want it
We’re often asked ‘is AccountancyManager customisable?’ Think of AccountancyManager like play-doh. It may start off looking the same for everyone, but check back once they’ve added some personalisation and creative flair… Each system will be unique to each practice – and better than how it began. “We’re often surprised by what our users create by ...

Automated task management – now with target dates
The kicker about time, is that it takes time to manage it. You write endless to-do lists, only to reshuffle them when things inevitably change or clients get back to you. With everyone planning their time separately and following different processes, it’s impossible to keep track of job progress or guarantee that the correct procedures ...

Automated emails and texts: Save hours, weeks, months of time
You probably didn’t go into accountancy to write the same client emails over and over again – or endlessly chase for responses. You might be thinking, ‘A 10-minute email? That’s no big deal.’ But let’s do a quick calculation… Take one client. They are VAT registered, complete self assessments and pay PAYE – on top ...

Profitability: Powerful data for big decisions
Be honest, do you know exactly which of your clients, services and business areas generate the most profit? As an accountant, you know how important visibility of this data is for your clients, so we apologise in advance if this article preaches to the converted… By using AM, you can track staff costs against client ...

Onboarding: Accelerate your process with intelligent automation
Onboarding new clients was a significant pain point for accountant James Byrne. So much so, he designed a system to automate as much of the process as possible. The result? AccountancyManager. Constantly finding new ways to make onboarding even more efficient for accountants is still a priority for us. In a nutshell, AccountancyManager: Helps you ...

Notifications: Work together or just have a chat
Remember when everyone at your practice was working from the same place? If you needed to update colleagues with new information or ask a quick question, you’d just pop over to a colleague’s desk. The absence of this option makes us realise just how important it is. Working alone can be lonely, but the negative ...

Client portal: A streamlined experience for you and your clients
We recently reported on how AccountancyManager customers have been responding to the lockdown. As we expected there was a direct correlation between the challenges they’re facing, the features of AM that are helping and the spikes we’d spotted in AccountancyManager usage. One challenge was not being able to meet clients in person or get documentation ...

Time tracking: 4 ways to get invaluable, practice-wide visibility
Being able to see what your team is working on when you’re all based at home (or when you’re back at the office) gives you a lot more than just ‘peace of mind’. Keep an eye on productivity, track profitability, identify bottlenecks, easily cover absences – and create instant invoices from work in progress. This ...

Bulk emails: Keeping all your clients in the loop
There are a few reasons you might want to send a bulk email to all your clients at the moment: To advise clients on Government support and how to apply To update them on the latest relevant news To provide answers to frequently asked questions To reassure them and show your support To send a ...
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